Saturday, July 31, 2010

Strawberry Rice Krispie Treats

I don't think I've tried a new recipe since I found out I was pregnant. I love trying new recipes, but I've just been too tired. But, last night while I was at Target, I saw these.

Mmmm....strawberry marshmallows and on the back was a recipe for strawberry rice krispie treats. The perfect treat for me to make--it's super easy and fast and I get to try a new recipe. They were so easy to make. Just melt 3 tablespoons of butter in the microwave, add the bag of marshmallows to the buter, toss to coat and put back in the microwave for a minute or so until the marshmallows are melted. Add 6 cups of rice krispies and stir together. Pour into a 13x9 pan that has been coated with non-stick spray and pack tight. Let cool and cut into bars. We both thought they were really good--so good that we didn't even get a picture of them before we dug in.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Nursery & Bath

I spent some time Tuesday working on the nursery. I'm still far from finished, but I thought I'd go ahead and post some pictures of my progress so far. I've posted an album with all the pictures on our Shutterfly website We still need to hang the curtains, put the boys names over the cribs, finish organizing the rest of the baby stuff that's still out, put some decorative touches on the walls, etc.

Our two dresers and my comfy rocking chair.

The two cribs. I'm going to put the boys names above the cribs (if we ever decide on names), they each have matching monkey mobiles.

The long dresser that we're going to use as the changing station. There's so much wall space above the dresser. I plan to put two big canvas pictures above this dresser of the boys' newborn pictures.

The closet system that Greg installed. Still needs a little organizing, but I love it. I was lucky to get so many cute baskets for my baby shower, they are perfect for storing things. I still have several that aren't in the picture that I'm going to use in the boys' bathroom and throughout the house to store the boys things in.
Clothes! There's so many because we have two of almost of their outfits. My friend, Elena & sister-in-law Carrie both have boys that will be three at the end of the year and they handed me down their outfits that their boys have outgrown. I have filled the tall dresser with outfits that they were so nice to give me, plus I have several bins full in the basement.

We stuck with brown and blue in their bathroom as well. We didn't do that on purpose, I just found a cute shower curtain at Target that I liked and it happened to be brown and blue.
You can't really see the bottom of the shower curtain, but it has whales on it.

More uses for baskets. I got this for 50% off at Michael's. I bought two in two different sizes. I have one in the nursery as well. I think it's cute and not too girly.

I still have a lot to do before the boys get here, but I have no idea how I'm going to get it all done. Last night, we had to go to the hospital again to have my contractions stopped. The doctor said that I might have to come in several times over the next couple weeks to get them to stopped since I'm only 33 weeks along and the doctor doesn't want me going into labor before August. I was told to relax, take it easy, & stay off my feet as much as I can. I'm also supposed to stay indoors and away from the heat, and to drink plenty of water. Starting in August, I can start doing more since it won't matter if I do too much and cause myself to go into labor since I'll be so far along and the boys will be at a point where they will be completely fine when they're born. The doctor thinks that they're doing so well (and growing so big) that they would probably be fine now if I delivered them, but we're not going to take that chance. So, I'm home bored out of my mind, feeling super guilty about all the stuff that needs to be done. I would try and do some little things but everytime I get up and start walking around I start having braxton hicks, so I'm just laying in bed today and hoping tomorrow I'm able to do more.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Doctor's Appointment and Ultrasound

Today we had our 32 week check up and an ultrasound. According to my weekly BabyCenter e-mails and "What To Expect When Expecting" the babies should be around 3.75lbs and 4lbs at 32 weeks. So imagine our surprise when we found out that one of the boys is 4lbs 9oz and the other is 4lb 6oz. I couldn't believe it! I'm carrying about 9lbs of baby and I'm only 32 weeks. We were both so excited though. It's great that the boys are growing so well and that they are so close in size. Everything on the ultrasound looked great. We're supposed to be starting our weekly appointments soon, but the doctor felt that everything is going so well, that we can follow up in 2 weeks and then start the weekly appointments.

I am not any closer to delivering than I was 4 weeks ago at my last ultrasound, which is great news. I mentioned in my last post that Greg and I had to go to the hospital, so here's the story behind that: The last Sunday in June I started having a ton of Braxton Hicks and the books/BabyCenter emails say if you have more than 4 an hour, call your doctor. I was having more than that, but they didn't hurt at all and I wasn't having any other symptoms. I laid down and drank a ton of water, but I kept having them, so to be on the safe side I figured I'd call a doctor I work with and see what she thought I should do. She suggested to lay down and give it another hour and if they didn't let up, to call my OB. So, when I laid down and started counting them, and had 4 in 8 minutes, Greg said that we weren't waiting an hour, to call the OB right away. He wanted me to come in to make sure I wasn't in preterm labor. We went in and the contractions were exactly 2 minutes apart, so they gave me a shot to make them stop. The doctor checked to make sure I wasn't dilated, which I wasn't and the shot worked great to stop the contractions. They monitored me for a little bit, then let me go. It wasn't a big deal, but because of that and the fact that I'm so far along with twins, the doctor didn't want me going out of town. It's something that could be an isolated incident they said, or it could become a frequent occurance. But, I haven't had any problems since then, so we're hoping it was a one time thing.

Starting next week, I will be reducing my work weeks to 3 days a week. I think work has been great at keeping me busy and making the time fly by, but I'm starting to get to the uncomfortable part of the pregnancy and the 40 hour work week is just becoming too exhausting. I'm so tired at the end of the day that I am completely useless. I come home and lay in the bed and watch tv until we go to sleep at 9:00. On the weekends, there's so many things that we need to get done, so I feel guilty for relaxing on the only 2 days we have to get stuff done. . So, having 2 days off a week for the rest of the month will be so nice. I plan on working the first couple of days in August, but then starting my maternity leave. Yay!

Here's a couple of maternity pictures. These pictures were taken by Kris Grimes, Greg's friend and coworker.

This one was taken at the beginning of June

This one was taken at my baby shower back in May.

I'm hoping to get a little more done in the baby room this weekend so I can finally post some pictures of that. Even if we don't, I might have to suck it up and take some pictures of it unfinished because I've been promising my mom some pictures for a couple of weeks now. We've done a lot but there's still a lot to do.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sad News

I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since I've blogged last. I've been so lazy, I'd blame it on being 32 weeks pregnant with twins, but it's really just that I'm lazy. I even made a promise to my cousin, Jennifer, that I would update my blog by last Friday--but I missed that deadline. So, here I am a few days late, but I'm finally hoping to start updating this blog several times a week. Starting next week, I'm cutting my hours at work back to 3 days a week, so that should give me some more time. I started this blog to be a light, fun update on how our lives are going and had no plans to put anything depressing in it-when it comes to stuff like that, I'm much more private. However, I don't feel right not mentioning the things that have happened this past weekend.

My Granny is dying. Everybody in the family is down in Tennesee right now spending her last few days left saying good bye and spending time with her. We weren't able to go because my doctor advised against it, not only am I 32 weeks pregnant with twins, but we had to go to the hospital last week because I was having contractions that I had to get a shot to stop (more on that in a future post), so unfortunately we were not able to go down there and say goodbye to her. They expect her to pass any day now and it breaks my heart. I love my Granny and feel so bad for my mom having to go through this after just losing my papaw (her dad) 6 months ago. It kills me now not being able to be there for my mom.

Yesterday we received some very devestating news from Greg's brother, Eric. His wife, Carrie, who was due on June 30th with their daughter, Claire, went to the hospital because her water broke. When she got there, they found that Claire did not have a heartbeat and had died. The doctor's aren't sure what happened. But I cannot even put into words how sad I am for Eric and Carrie, and their 2 1/2 year old son Ian. I'm so sad for the whole family, who was so ecstatic to welcome the first "Westover" girl into the world. Greg and I have done nothing but think of them since we recieved the news. We feel helpless and wish there was something we could do for them. We can't fly out to Arizona to be with the family due to the reasons I mentioned earlier. So, we're just keeping them in our thoughts.

So, needless to say, it has been a very sad weekend. We're just thinking of our families and wishing we could be there for them. I really wish there was more that we could do for them right now.