Carter, you now weight 8lbs 8oz. I cannot believe how much you’ve grown in a month. You used to not even fit into the newborn clothes we had for you and now you can fit into 0-3 month clothes. You have outgrown the newborn longsleeve white onsies we bought you to sleep in. They fit around your waist, but they are just too short now. A month ago you hated to get a bath, you screamed and screamed when I’d undress you and place you in the tub. We nicknamed you “Pigpen” because we didn’t think we were going to be able to bathe you very much since you screamed so much. It broke my heart because I had visions of a fun, nightly bathtime routine. Now you don’t mind baths at all! You don’t cry or scream, you seem to enjoy the warm water, which makes me so happy. You have developed quite a personality. You are definitely the dramatic one. When you want something, you want it right then and there. You like to let out quick, high pitch squels to let us know that you want something. I can’t believe how alert you are. You love looking around and seeing what’s going on around you. You’ve started to coo the past couple of days and it’s the cutest thing. You are a great eater and you make your daddy proud with your powerful man burps and farts.
Evan, you now weight 8lbs 1oz. You can still wear most of your newborn clothes and the ones you can’t are only because of how long you are. You fit well into the sleepers we put you in at night and look so cute. You are definitely going to be chatty. You are always making noise, grunting, cooing, etc. All the time! It makes it hard to sleep in the same room, but we don’t mind. You still love baths and love having you hair washed. You are a little more patient than your brother and don’t usually mind if there’s only one of us that we pick him up first. You can stay up for hours just looking around and don’t mind doing while we hold you or while laying down in your changing pad. You make the funniest faces that make us laugh. I’ve definitely seen some social smiles from you and it melts my heart every time. You eat a little slower and have less powerful burps but you make up for it with your powerful farts. I don’t know how something so stinky comes out of something so cute. After we feed you, you like to hold on to the burp cloth like it’s your blankie. It’s adorable.
You both are really easy babies. Besides gas, you only cry when you’re starving and sometimes when your cold. We went to the pediatrician yesterday and she gave us some great suggestions on what to do for your gas, and we are very hopeful that they are going to work. You guys are great sleepers, loud noises, lights, tv, talking, running the vacuum, etc. don’t bother either of you at all. You’ve really seem to have your nights and days straight. A couple of weeks ago you both would wake up at night and want to be held and spend that time looking around, now you know that after eating, it’s back to sleep. It makes life easier on both of us and we think as soon as you don’t have to eat every 3 hours, we’ll be getting plenty of sleep. I can’t wait to see how much you both change over the next month. I’m looking forward to more smiles and can’t wait to hear you both laugh. We have our first family tradition planned for October—a trip to the pumpkin patch. I can’t wait. I know you guys are too young to enjoy it like we do, but I think it’ll still be fun. Greg and I have pretty much gone every year since we’ve met and we always have a good time, it’s exciting to think that something we did last year for fun is a “family tradition” this year. You already have outfits for the occasion that your Aunt Caroline bought for you. Y’all are spoiled rotten, that’s for sure. ;)
On another note, on your one month “birthday”, I weighed myself and have officially lost all the baby weight. On one hand, I’m so excited and relieved to have lost the baby weight so quickly and easily, but on the other hand, I was overweight when I got pregnant, so by no means am I at or close to where I want to be. Now, I’ll start Weight Watchers and start exercising to get to my goal weight. Not only do I want to be healthy for myself, but it’s important to eat healthy and exercise to set a good example for Evan & Carter. It’s also a necessity to be healthy so I can keep up with my boys. Soon I’ll be posting updates on how the weight loss is going and weight watcher recipes that I find that we like and don’t take too long to prepare.
Now time for some pictures. We had a hard time getting them both to cooperate for their 1 month picture, so I posted some of them separately as well. Next month, I promise that I'll get a good picture of the two of them in the chair. The pictures here are not that great, I'm still figuring out everything on my camera and the pictures in the chair were taken in a hurry before they started crying. the other ones of them by themselves aren't the best pictures, but I wanted to post ones of them in their footy pjs and that showed pretty much their whole body.
This was a picture we took just a few days after they got home from the hospital. Those blue bottoms are shorts--you can't tell because they're so big on them.
This was taken on September 18th. Now they look like they're wearing shorts. I tried to put them in the same outfits that they wore in the picture above, but spitup happend.
Evan in his pjs right before a diaper change.
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