There were fire trucks for the kids to check out. The boys loved being able to go in and look around.
They were so happy.
Only one of them can smile at the camera at time.
I was so excited to put them in their fall colored polo shirts for the fall festival. was HOT! We had fall weather the week leading up to the fall festival and we've had it since, but Saturday was really hot.
So hot, in fact, that we went back to the car and changed the boys in their bathing suits and let them play in the splash pad at the park.
They had a blast!
I'm sure it was the last time they'll be able to do that until spring, so it was nice that we were able to take advantage of the warm weather.
After naps, we took the boys on Fort Gordon and let them play at the park. The park is shaded, so it's the perfect place to go when it's warm. Carter loves this car racing thing that's at the park. he could play on that all day.
Sunday, we went over to my parents house to celebrate my sister's birthday. We had homemade chili and it was delicious! The boys started sounding hoarse and coughing a little bit before their naps. Then, Evan woke up during nap with a fever and just feeling miserable. We let them nap later than normal and they perked up during cake and ice cream, but we could tell we had two little sick boys on our hands.
Monday, Greg was still home due to the government shutdown, which actually worked out because it's a two person job when both boys are sick. The boys watched movies, played, and just took it easy. They had fevers and a cough that sounded like a seal barking, so we knew it was croup and it just needed to run it's course. Carter came down with it a little worse than Evan and had a rough time on Monday.
Monday night, about 10pm, Carter's breathing really started to scare us, so I took him to the ER next to our house. They gave him meds to bring his fever down and some medicine to help with the cough. They also did a breathing treatment using the same medicine that's in epi pens, because he was struggling to breath. The treatment really helped and we were in and out pretty fast, we were home and in bed by 2am.
Greg was able to return to work on Tuesday, so my mom came over bright and early to help with the boys. She took care of Evan while I slept in with Carter. Carter can be really clingy when he's sick, so it's so nice to have an extra person here to help. The boys had to miss school for the first time ever, which made me so sad. But, we think they're past the worst of it and hopefully will be back to their old selves really soon.
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