Saturday, May 31, 2014

Library and Hoppy Feet

The boys and I have been staying busy this week. We went to story time at the library for the first time since moving here. The boys have only been to story time one other time and they were pretty young and didn't make it through the whole thing. I've been wanting to take them since we moved here but story time at our library fell on the same days they had school. So, now that they have Wednesdays free, we're going to try and go more often. It was a lot of fun, they read a couple of stories, do a song and dance and then have a craft and fun activity. The theme this time was dinosaurs, so all the books were about dinosaurs and the craft and activity was also related.

The kids all got to decorate a dinosaur that they put on the wall afterwards.

They also had some dinosaur fossils in a bin with shredded paper for the kids to dig through.

I really hope they offer a story time during the winter on a day the boys don't have school, because I think this would be a great indoor activity to do in the winter when it's too cold to go outside.

The boys wore their anchor shirts to school on Thursday. They were so excited to go and had a great time. They've made friends with another little boy in their class and it was so cute to hear the boys tell his mom about the boys and the teacher said that they all are a tight little group. They seem to really like the other kids in the program and their teachers.

Thursday afternoon was rainy so we actually went back to the library for another story time. They were having a special "meet the bunny" event. I had no idea what to expect, but we decided to check it out. Turns out the library has a little mascot bunny--Rosy the Reader and so they basically had storytime and it was all rabbit themed, with a rabbit craft afterwards and they brought out the rabbit for the kids to meet and pet.

Evan doing his bunny craft.

Carter doing his bunny craft.

The boys loved petting the bunny.

Afterwards, we went to dinner at Monterrey's. The boys

Carter was serious about writing and drawing. He wrote his name several times for us and drew all kinds of pictures.

Friday, I was going to take the boys to the movies but I remembered it was Buy One Get One free admission at Hoppy Feet, a bounce house place that we haven't been to yet. I gave the boys the choice and they chose Hoppy Feet. It's normally 7.99 per kid to get in and with two kids that's pretty pricey. So, we'll only go on Fridays when it's buy one get one free. It's the tiniest place with only 4 bouncy things, but the boys had the best time. There were only a couple other kids there and the boys lasted 2 hours! They were still going strong but it was time to get home and have some lunch and nap.

Since there were only 2-3 other kids there most of the time, the boys were able to really jump around and had a ton of room on the slides. Evan loved going down the slides every way he could possibly think of.

I thought the boys were never going to get out of this one, they bounced for awhile, then they just ran in circles and then they'd fall on each other and just played and played and played.

A little bit before we left, Evan started playing with two other boys and Carter made friends with a little girl. I love watching them play with other kids.

These two were so cute together. When you pay to get in Hoppy Feet, you actually get access all day, so you're able to leave and come back anytime that day. So, after the boys naps, Greg and I took the boys back there for about an hour before dinner. There was only about 4-6 other kids there and the boys had a great time.

Today, we took the boys to the pool. When we got there, nobody was allowed in because they had heard thunder and they have to wait 20 minutes before letting everybody back in the pool. Right before letting everybody back in, it thundered again, so we just went inside and swam. The boys had a great time, they love swimming between me and Greg, floating on their backs and climbing out and jumping in the pool.
Next week we have some fun things planned like a "Hungry Caterpillar" story time and craft at Barnes and Noble, play group, Pirate night at Chick-Fil-A, $1.00 movies start this week, and the weather is supposed to be nice and sunny-so we should be able to go to the splash parks and pool. I'm sure we won't do everything on our list, but I love having the options to choose from each day and we love staying busy.

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