Saturday, April 12, 2014

Spring Break-Part 2

 Thursday, the boys and I slept in, watched tv in bed, and then had a lazy breakfast. We had the bug guy coming to spray the house, so the boys played for a little bit while we waited for him to come. After he came and sprayed the house, we went to the park.

I asked the boys the night before, what they wanted to do on Thursday and they said that they wanted to go to the park, so that's what we did. Caroline ended up meeting us there and after the boys were done playing, we went to lunch with Caroline.

The boys had such a great time at the park. The weather was nice and there were lots of kids there.

We went to Monterey's and sat on the patio. The weather was just perfect for eating outside. The boys did pretty good while we were there.

Evan loves him some chips and salsa.

I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for Carter and didn't have enough time to go home, so I planned on going shopping at Target and Kohl's. After Target, I realized that my Kohl's coupon expired, so I took the boys to McDonald's to play until Carter's dr. appointment.

They each got a chocolate milk so I wouldn't feel guilty using their playground.

There were more people there than I've ever seen. The boys had a blast playing with all the kids.

Carter's had bad allergies since the weather's started warming up. We've been trying everything that we know of, but his eyes have been really puffy and itchy, so I made an appointment to see what we could do about it. He was just miserable, he couldn't breath through his nose, his eyes were bothering him, he had a cough. The dr came in and immediately diagnosed him with an ear infection. Neither boy has ever had an ear infection! He hasn't shown any of the telling signs like pulling on his ear, etc. So, he got an antibiotic for that, eye drops with allergy medicine in them, and a nasal spray to help clear him up. Poor baby, I hate having him on medication, but his allergies are awful. It's our first spring in Augusta, so we're pretty hopeful that it won't be this bad next year.

Friday, we went and spent the day and Meemaw's and Papaw's. Evan was so excited to go outside, so he played outside with Meemaw while Carter stayed inside with me and played blocks and farm animals. Both boys love getting the blocks as high as they'll go.

Cheeseing for the camera.

Carter didn't ride his bike this time (I don't think he was feeling 100% because of his allergies) but he loved playing in the sandboxes in the garage. Evan rode his bike and drew on the driveway with chalk.
 The top left picture is evan's drawing of Mamaw's shadow, the middle right picture is Evan drawing a house.
 During the boys nap, my mom taught me how to do a little sewing. The boys shorts that I got them for summer were too big and I couldn't take them back, so we were able to fix them to fit the boys perfect. I also turned some pj pants in the pj capris for me. I'm a little addicted to the sewing machine now and have big plans for this summer--lots of sewing projects :)

Overall, spring break is exactly what I wanted it to be. Relaxed and fun. I think the boys enjoyed their break from school.

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