Monday, June 4, 2012

Multiples Water Play Date

Today we had our weekly multiples playdate. I really enjoy these and really look forward to them. We had two new moms come today and hopefully they'll be able to make it to the weekly playdates as well. The more the merrier. We really hit the jackpot with the moms and kids that we meet with every week. They are all so nice and have the BEST playdate houses. They all have tons of great toys and terrific yards with lots of things to do. Now that the weather is getting warmer, we're going to be holding our playdates out in the yard with some water play, which I know all the kids love.

The boys started with the cars. They always love these at playdates.

The house we went to had a splash pad, and Carter LOVED it. I found it online and I'm going to order one because I think this is the best thing ever.

There were 5 moms and 14 kids that ended up showing up. That's a lot of kids!

I think the highlight of the play date for Evan was snacktime. He ate, and ate, and ate. When the other kids got done and went off to play, I saw him going through their cups, taking anything that was leftover and eating it! Oh, Evan.

He finally stopped eating, only because I told him everything was "all gone" and so he went to play on the splash pad with Carter. I think Carter played with this more than any other kid there.

Water table fun.

Look at this wonderful yard! So much room to run around.

The boys fell asleep almost as soon as we pulled out of the driveway, we were halfway to the next town and only 15 minutes from Sonic. I figured I'd swing by there to give the boys a little extra time to sleep in the car. My diet vanilla dr. pepper was delicious. It's almost a good thing we don't have one in our town because I'd probably go there everyday and get one.

After Greg got off work, we took the boys to the park and then attempted to go out to dinner. It's been awhile since we've gone since it's been more difficult lately, but we thought we'd try it and see how the boys did. It started off great, the boys ate their chips and were really good, but by the time the food came, they were full on chips and ready to go. We'll hold off on sit down restaurants for while. We'll save those for date nights.

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