Saturday, February 4, 2012

Project 365-Week 4

I kept up with project 365 for another week. I'm really proud that I've been able to stick with it for over a month. I hope that I see this through to the end of the year. There's 366 day this year because it's leap year, I didn't take a picture on January 25th because I was too sick. I've been calling this Project 365, so if I take a picture every day for the rest of the year, that'll be 365 pictures and I'll consider this goal achieved.

This is the only picture I took on the 28th. The boys have had several days of quite the appetite. I think they're making up for the days where they were sick and didn't eat much.

Greg with Carter after church on Sunday. This is the second week in a row that I forgot to get a picture of everybody before church. Carter got to eat some Cheez-It's for the first time and he loved them.

One of the MANY picture I took trying to get the boys with a sign I made for my friend, Brandi.

Taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather at Yoder's.

We spent over an hour at the park with the boys, just trying to take advantage of the few days of warm weather we had. They had a blast.

I had my monthly MOPS meeting on Thursday night. We did several fun activities and had several yummy treats. I brought cupcakes and 7 layer dip.

I went through all the boys clothes and got rid of everything that didn't fit anymore and things they didn't use. I love cleaning out and getting rid of stuff. Here's some baby gap snow boots that are too small for them, that they never got to wear. Luckily, they were hand-me-downs from a friend.

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