Monday, February 13, 2012

Random Updates

Well, like I was worried about in my last post, Evan came down with the same thing Carter did. It's been a rough weekend. Greg had a 3 day weekend, though, so that helped a lot. Evan was very clingy, needy, fussy, sensitive, etc. He wanted to be held every second he was awake. Luckily, Carter has been feeling much better and was in a great mood the entire weekend. The nights have been rough, since that's when Evan's fever tends to spike, so we haven't been getting much sleep lately. This morning has been a little harder than usual since I'm by myself (for the first time in two weeks--I miss you Mom!!) and Evan's still a little clingy, but things are going much better than I expected. Both boys are actually taking a nap right now (hallalejuah!!) so hopefully, they both wake up in good moods and are ready to play when they wake up.

Here's me and Evan this weekend. This is pretty much how we were the entire weekend.
 Carter and Greg.

Evan was attached to me the entire weekend, but luckily, since Carter was attached to me all last week, I guess he decided he had enough. He was a daddy's boy all weekend.

I didn't really update my blog much while my mom was here for 2 weeks, so here's a quick recap. We reorganized my kitchen cabinets which took 3 hours, two people, and required Greg to keep the boys entertained the entire time. I'm so glad to have it done. There's a couple of drawers and details that I wanted to finish up, but Carter got sick, so I'm hoping to finish them next weekend. I also got to clean out all the boys' old clothes and things that they don't use anymore and organized a couple of drawers in my dresser. I made and brought a meal to another girl who has twins that just had another baby (I cannot imagine!) Baked over 100 cookies for church (they were feeding 500 people, so my 100 cookies barely made a dent in the huge amount of food they had to fix) went to a MOPS meeting, went to the dentist, I got my hair done (cut and a new color), finished a book and started a new one, tried a couple of new recipes, tried a different location of a church that we tried a few weeks ago and really liked, and then of course, took care of sick babies. Oh, I can only imagine the things I could have got accomplished if all these germs weren't going around making everybody sick.

Here's a picture of my hair before my appointment. I hate this picture, but I hardly have any pictures of me since I'm usually the one taking the pictures.
And here's my hair now. I got a couple of inches cut off and changed the color. It was getting too blonde since I've been highlighting it blonde for so long, it was looking awful in between appointments since my roots were so dark and the rest was so blonde and I was ready for a change.

I didn't take any "before" pictures of my kitchen, but this is one of the boys from December, you can see all the clutter on the counter. We redid the cabinets and took out everything I don't use anymore, and organized all the stuff that I do. I was able to get a lot of stuff off the counters, which makes me so happy. I hate having a lot of crap on my counters. If I didn't use the toaster every day, it'd go in the cabinet too.

Today, I'm trying to get caught up from basically doing nothing from last week. There's tons of laundry that needs to be done, a fridge that needs to be cleaned out, a house that needs cleaning (dusting, vacuuming, etc) calls that need to be made, etc. Plus, two boys that want all my attention because they got used to having two people here for the past 2.5 weeks. Luckily, Greg will be off at 3 today, which seems so early now when for the past 2 weeks, he was getting off at 6:00. I'm so glad he's back on his normal, 6-3 shift.

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