Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Family Time

Friday afternoon, Greg and I took the boys to a Family Fun Fair at a local shopping center. They were going to have the Bounce and Play Train there, so we figured it was worth it just for that. They also had the local SPCA, a fire truck to explore, Lucky the mascot for Aaron's, and some other vendors. A local radio station was there and giving out free pizza and drinks. We also got free DNA and fingerprinting kits for the boys in case they were ever to go missing. We ended up having a good time, it was something different and it was outside, so the boys loved it.

The boys really liked the cats. They both really love animals.

Evan in the fire truck. Carter was not interested in getting up there.

It was great that they were giving out free pizza, the boys enjoyed it.
 Yum, yum.

Evan saw Lucky come out and was SO excited. He started waving and didn't hesitate to go up to him and give him a hug and say hi. When we left, he had to go say "bye" to him. The boys got free toy Lucky stuffed animals. They had no idea who he was and had never seen him before, but that didn't matter to Evan, he was still excited.

Carter was a little more apprehensive. I could tell he was interested and wanted to go up to him, but just wasn't sure if he should. He got pretty close, but never went up and hugged him.

Evan on the Bounce and Play train, they were giving free train rides, so it was fun to go around the parking lot.

When we were leaving the boys found a cornhole board and had to play a little bit.

Saturday morning, while my parents and sister were making the 8 hour drive up from Georgia, we took the boys to the park. The weather was beautiful and we ended up staying there for quite awhile.

Our boys love climbing and have no fear. I'm pretty laid back about most of it, but this thing made me so nervous, which is why Greg is with him.

On the way home, we stopped at Target to get the boys some new tennis shoes. I have never seen two boys so excited over shoes. When I told Carter what we were getting he ran from the car to the shoe section. They ended up wearing them out, Greg lifted them up and had the cashier scan the shoes on their feet! You can see the tags and strings still on them. I'm glad they were excited though, it made trying on shoes and picking them out so much easier.

My family arrived shortly after the boys woke up. I was awful about taking pictures, but we spent most of Saturday afternoon outside on the deck enjoying the nice weather and letting the boys play. The boys loved having them here, they loved all the attention. They don't see Papaw as much as Mamaw and Aunt Caroline, so it was nice for them to get some playtime in with him.

Sunday morning, me, my sister, and my mom took the boys to the park while my dad and Greg worked on a few things at the house. They took apart the boys play kitchen, slide, house, and water table and loaded into my parents truck. Then, they put shelving in the bathroom in the basement. I know the boys are going to miss their toys, but it'll be nice for them to get a break from them and when we go down to my parents, the toys will be "new" to the boys again and they'll be super excited.

Here's the boys wearing their matching shirts that my dad got them from Hawaii. My dad went there for a week for work, so we all got fun souvenirs from Hawaii.

Evan hanging out with Papaw, watching football, after waking up from his nap.

We picked this sand box up from a yard sale on Saturday morning for $2.00!!

The boys played in the sandbox while my dad grilled out burgers and hot dogs for dinner.

After dinner on Sunday, the boys got in some good playing with my dad. They were so worn out when we went to go give them a bath. Here's them brushing their teeth while laying on the floor. haha.

My parents and sister left early Monday morning. :( It was a short trip, but I'm so glad they got to come up. I love spending time with my family. I got to go shopping with my mom and sister during the boys naps and it was so much fun sitting down in the basement after the boys were in bed and catching up. The boys had so much fun playing with everybody and getting so much attention. It was a great weekend, but definitely went by too fast.

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