Monday, October 8, 2012

Catch Up

It's been several days since I've blogged. My mom came up for a week and I tried to get some things while I had an extra pair of hands to help. I've also been napping a lot when the boys nap, the weather is cooling off and it's been perfect napping weather. And at night we've been watching Dexter. We got the first season on dvd and I'm absolutely hooked, we actually signed up for Netflix last night so we can get caught up on all 6 seasons. Here's some pictures from last week in September.

The weather was a lot warmer last weekend. Today's high is 49, just looking at the boys wearing shorts outside makes me cold. I'm glad we've been spending a lot of time outside since the weather is cooling off and we're not going to be able to for much longer.

We went to a couple of playdates. A mom in our MOPs group hosted one 2 weeks ago.

I don't remember why the boys were in the car, but they had a blast.

This is our rainy day tradition, we stay in pjs, pull out the couch bed, get all the blankets out and watch tv. It's fun to have days like this sometimes. The boys were watching Veggie Tales.

Here they are dancing.

The Children's Museum was closed for renovations and we went the day it reopened. The boys had fun playing with the new things they had.

This is so blurry, but they looked so cute in their bee hats.

When we got home from the museum, there were two tiny frogs on our front stoop. 3 out of 4 of us thought it was exciting and weren't scared, I won't say who was being a scaredy cat, all I'll say is that Evan, Carter and I fun holding the frog. ;)

Bathtime fun.

We went to the park. It's been raining a lot lately, so it was nice to get outside and play.

Me and my friend swap babysitting, so each of us can have a date night with our husbands. It was my turn to keep her girls, so they came over for dinner and played for awhile afterwards while her and her husband went to dinner. It was a piece of cake, her older girl kept my boys so entertained and her younger one is so tame and sweet compared to my wild boys.

They had so much fun running around the yard after dinner.

Look at this sweet little munchkin. She is so easy going.

Watching the other kids run around the yard.

The kids enjoyed an after dinner snack of cookies. My friend made cookies and brought them over with the girls. Haha, not only do her girls keep my boys entertained, but she comes with goodies. I have a feeling I'm getting the better end of the deal out of this. ;)

The boys love spending time with daddy. Just recently they've really become daddy's boys when he's around. It used to just depend on their mood, but now they really want to be with daddy, help daddy, get pushed by daddy on the swings, etc.

The boys are such climbers. We've been really lucky that they haven't started climbing book shelves, dressers, and things like that around the house.

We've had a great weekend so far with a hayride and visit to the pumpkin patch, we went to Bounce and Play, I made the first pot of chili for fall. I can't wait to get those pictures uploaded to share with ya'll. Greg is off today for Columbus Day, so we're relaxing around the house and taking advantage of having daddy around. I hope everybody else is having a great weekend. (and staying warm!)

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