Thursday, October 6, 2011


My list of recipes to try has been getting pretty long, so we went grocery shopping yesterday to get the ingredients to make the followings things. I found all these on Pinterst.

Autumn Chopped Salad This has cranberries, pears, bacon, feta cheese, pecans, etc. I think it looks delicious. This is what we're having for dinner on Friday night.
 Chicken Cordon Bleu This looks so easy, I'm going to reduce the recipe and just make one for me and one for Greg. We went and got the ham at Yoder's yesterday.
 Crockpot Chicken and Dressing This is perfect for fall and I love crockpot recipes. There's not a lot of ingredients and it looks delicious. I plan on having this on Monday.

 Pumpkin Granola I was able to find the oats at Yoder's for super cheap. I'm making this today, I can't wait to try it.
 Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal with the leftover oats from my granola, I'll be making this, the recipe is super easy and just calls for a few ingredients that I already have.

I made this yesterday. It's a healthy cookie dough. Greg took the boys into the basement to play while I made it and when he came back up and tried it, he thought it was good. Then, I told him the main ingredient was chickpeas! I knew if I told him before, he wouldn't have tried it. I had my doubts, but it's really good. It didn't make too much and it's perfect to keep in the fridge for when you want a spoonful of something sweet. I'm trying to make healthier things and I get very excited when I find recipes like this that actually turn out good.

So, there's some of the recipes that I'll be trying this week. I would love do a weekly menu plan post. I've seen a lot of blogs do a "Menu Monday" where they post what they'll be having every day that week along with the recipe or link. I think it's a great idea, it helps you decide what you're having, other people can get ideas for recipes, and when you're drawing a blank on what to have for dinner, you can look back on your blog posts to inspiration. If I can get it together, I'll definitely try and to that.

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