Thursday, July 24, 2014

Goggles and CFA

Monday, I took the boys to Target after swim lessons and they asked me for goggles for swim lessons. They said they need them to put their head under the water, which is the only part they're having problems with, so I got them some. They are so in love with these goggles. They can't wait to put them on when we get to the Y and they wear them the entire time.

I think they look so cute.

I don't know how they're comfortable, I hate wearing goggles, but they love them. Carter keeps his on his forehead until he needs them, but Evan wears them like this for most of the swim lesson.

Swim lessons have been going really good. It's a two week class that's Monday-Thursday, so the boys are able to remember what they learned the day before and build on it. It works out much better for them than it being once a week. I am excited to have tomorrow off though, it'll be nice to do something else in the morning, like the park or library. We're planning on taking the boys to the pool this weekend to work with them on what they've been learning in class.

After swim practice one morning, Carter came and got me and told me that the built a roller coaster. He had taken a ton of toys and shoved them into one of the squares on the shelf in the playroom. He had a light (it's kind of hard to see) and a fishing pole hanging down, but he pointed out to me all the parts and what the purpose of the toys were. You can see the tools on the floor that he "used", he said that he was a construction man that builds roller coasters.

I worked on getting the playroom done and it's about 90% done, I just need to organize and style this bookshelf. It shouldn't take too long, so I really need to just do it.

Another one of Carter's creations is his rocket ship. He took his pirate ship, took everything off of it and took apart the flag pole that goes on there and turned stuck them in the bottom to make it a rocket ship. He told me that the fire comes out of those green things and that's what makes it blast off. I have no idea where he learned this from or how he figured out how to "make" it, but I was very impressed, he loves his rocket ship and plays with it all the time. He found a little man figure in his toys and that's the "space creature" that runs the rocket ship. I had wanted to get the boys a rocket ship for their birthday last year, there's a cute Buzz Lightyear Little People one that I saw, but I'm glad I didn't because I love that he used his imagination and created one.

The boys in their goggles this morning.

Evan was just so happy to get those on this morning. I don't give them to them until we get to the pool right before the lessons start.

After swim lessons today, I took the boys to Chick-fil-a to play. My sister didn't have to work until 1, so she met us there for lunch. After the boys ate lunch and played awhile, I got them an ice cream cone. I asked Carter to take a picture with Caroline and he was not interested in taking a break from his ice cream to smile. He told me "no, he was busy eating". :(

Evan said "cheese" for me, and gave me a little smile.

Caroline took my camera to take a picture of her and Carter and of course, that little stinker smiled for her. I think he told her "no" also, but then got tickled when he saw himself on the screen and Caroline's "angry" face.

I love this picture-it turned out so cute.
I have another post to do about our week and then I want to do a post about the Dietbet that I did (and am doing) I'm trying to stay on top of blogging, even if it's about our boring week, I hate getting behind and having to post a million random pictures. I always forget the little stories like what the boys said, or created, or what crazy people said to me at McDonald's and I want to remember that stuff, so hopefully I can stay on top of blogging and not get behind.

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