Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Teething Fun

Carter is now going through what Evan went through the last week or two as far as teething. He's getting two of his bottom molars and he's not a happy camper. Last week, I was pretty stressed out and overwhelmed, but this week, I know what is wrong and what to expect and I know about how long to expect it. The weather is supposed to be nice all week, so I'm able to get out with the boys and do things to keep them entertained and happy. Keeping Carter distracted from his teething pain is my goal this week.

Monday, I took the boys to the mall to play in the kid's play area after their first nap. I was hoping since it was nice out and I got there early, there wouldn't be a lot of people there, but it was already pretty packed when we got there. I let the boys play for quite awhile. When we got home they were exhausted and took a GREAT nap, they woke up pretty happy and entertained them until Greg got home. He took them to Walmart so I could go to the gym. After the boys went to bed, I finally got to see "Something borrowed", it was good, but I wish I would have read the book. I know that "Something Blue" is being made into a movie, so I'm going to get that book and read it before I see the movie.

Today, I decided that I would take the boys out to play in the yard after they woke up, only to discover that it was still wet and the grass was way to long to even walk in, so I decided to let the boys have their morning snack on the deck, picnic style. After that, I pushed the boys in the swings under the deck. That didn't kill much time, so we ran to Kohl's to get a few fall items for Evan. The weather is supposed to cool off with high's in the 60's this weekend and all the boys fall clothes are in size 18months, which neither are wearing yet. I think Carter will probably fit into them fine, but Evan's still a little too skinny/small for 18 months, so off we went. It didn't take very long in there, and I was trying to keep the boys occupied, so we took a walk to Starbucks, because Mommy needed her caffeine I thought the boys would enjoy a pumpkin spice muffin. We sat outside in the shade and they both loved the muffin. We walked back and drove home. I let the boys play a little when we got home to stretch their legs and then put them down for their afternoon nap. It required some rocking and cuddling, but they slept almost 2 hours. When they woke up, the lawn care service had just arrived so I put the boys in the front room to watch them mow our lawn while I fixed them a grilled cheese for lunch. After lunch, I took the boys in the basement and then upstairs to their bedroom to play. When Greg got home, we took them to our favorite park to play. Then, we came home, fed the boys dinner, and put them in the bath early so they could play a little longer than normal. After they went to bed, I did everything I possibly could to get ready for tomorrow. I know last week, I couldn't get anything done, because I was constantly holding Evan, trying to entertain him, keep him happy, etc. And it's the same this week with Carter. So, I did everything I could think of tonight so I'm completely free to hold, cuddle, play, etc. tomorrow. We have a playdate at 10am tomorrow at Yoders which should be fun, and the boys will be going to Sam's Club tomorrow afternoon with Greg so I can go to the gym.

Here's some pictures of our day

The boys having their picnic on the deck.

Evan with his bag of clothes from Kohl's

Carter at Starbucks drinking his water
Evan at Starbucks

Mmmm....Pumpkin Spice Frappachino
The clothes I got for Evan at Kohl's--I don't know why this picture is sideways.
The boys watching the guy cut the grass. Carter would run from window to window to watch him as he moved around the yard, it was really funny.

Evan hugging Carter. It so cute when he hugs, I love it! But, usually their hugging and playing will turn into hair pulling and biting, but not this time, they were just laughing and playing with each other.

Carter was laughing at something Evan was doing.

This is one of Carter's favorite toys, his pull around phone. He has a different one in the basement, this is the one our sweet neighbor gave him for his birthday. He loves it and will drag it around everywhere.

Evan at the park on the playground equipment

A little snack at the park after playing

They both love lying down in the water.

So, that was our day, I'm completely exhausted (it didn't help that we stayed up later than normal to watch that movie last night) so I'm going to try and get to bed early tonight because I know tomorrow is going to be just as exhausting. I can't wait to be past teething. 

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